Released | Aug 01st, 1996 |
Running Time | 85 |
Director | Mitchell Spinelli |
Company | Intropics |
Distribution Company | Metro Distributors |
Cast | Tom Byron, Cassandra Curves, Shelby Stevens, Paisley Hunter, Whitney Wonders, Kia, Cumisha Amado, Rachel Love, Mr. Marcus |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
Tom Byron has the lead in this, the story of a man who lives a life of leisure in South America. Without going into the specifics of the more-voluminous-than-average script, suffice it to say that his story provides plenty of opportunity for some serious sex. First, Byron and Cassandra Curves knock boots in a little student-teacher action. Later, Alex Sander and Kia manage a condom-covered coupling during a desktop rendezvous. The best scene, though, involves Mr. Marcus and a very willing Paisley Hunter. Overall, there's a story and a fine helping of above average sex on this vid. Worth stocking.