Released | Sep 01st, 1998 |
Running Time | 53 |
Director | Deacon Blue |
Company | Vid-Tech Films |
Cast | Randi Storm, Bob Marshall |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Specialty |
Randi Storm has a sore throat and her doctor has just the thing for it: a good set of restraints and a healthy dose of pain, accompanied by plenty of horse-bit-in-the-mouth drooling. Sounds like traditional medical treatment to us.
It must be one helluva sore throat because poor doc Marshall has to stay late in the office to treat Storm. First she needs to be suspended one way, then she needs to be tied to the exam table another, then bound to a chair, and then back on the exam table. In the spirit of sympathetic magic, doctor Marshall bites Storm all over her breasts, legs, butt and belly… preparing her for the big bite her insurance premiums will take out of her wallet, most likely.
Marshall’s dialogue is a hoot to listen to and Storm does an exciting job of writing about, looking afraid of medical treatment. And who can blame her? Marshall uses only the most modern in equipment: clothespins, floggers, a gas mask, snake bite suckers, and an assortment of dildos “inserted” off-camera. The most difficult thing about this tape is balancing the viewers’ laughter with his/her arousal.