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Battle of the Stars Round II The Winner

Battle of the Stars Round II The Winner

Released Nov 30th, 1985
Company Now Showing Video
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Feature



Although Traci Lords and Christy Canyon garnered more total votes, fans of Kristara Barrington and Heather Wayne were no less vocal in their support for their favorites. Now Showing's Battle of the Stars-Round II garnered 344 votes from adult video fans all across the country. The final score: Kristara Barrington 192 -- Heather Wayne 152. I guess we can call them both winners, since the voting was once again so close.

Here's a couple of comments from the girls fans:

"Heather is pretty and all, but Oriental women appeal to my most latent fantasies. Kristara is the hottest Oriental actress ever to grace my TV screen." —T. Palant, Vancouver, B.C.

"I can't believe that Heather Wayne could even be put into competition with any other actress. She is by far the most talented and sexy actress in adult films today. My vote goes to Heather. Can I vote for her 100 times? —Randy, Anaheim, CA

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