Released | Nov 09th, 2010 |
Running Time | 133 Min. |
Director | Alex DeLarge (I) |
Company | Hustler Video |
DVD Extras | Behind the Scenes, Still Gallery(ies), Trailer(s) |
Cast | Kris Slater, Chris Charming, Kirra Lynne, Nicole Ray, Ally Ann, Taylor Tilden, Kensey Knox, Ryan Driller |
Critical Rating | AAAA |
Genre | Young Girl |
The bikini was unquestionably one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century. After all, before that, checking out chicks at the beach was pretty much like digging chicks on the streets of the Saudi city of your choice. Not much to see there, folks.
Oh, but that’s not the case here. We get to see this quimtet in their bikinis—which, we all realize, is basically like seeing them in their underwear—and they are some fine looking specimens.
We get off to a lousy start with terrible lighting obscuring lovely Kirra’s b.j., but once we get indoors things even out and she turns in a great performance. Nicole turns in her usual balls-out and cock-in performance, one worthy of multiple viewings. Ally Ann, however, is definitely the standout if only for her ridiculous enthusiasm from the first suck to the final blow.