Released | Nov 01st, 1999 |
Running Time | 73 |
Directors | Sindee Williams, Ted-E |
Company | Video Team |
Cast | Sweett Velvett, Dave Hardman, Sidnee Williams, Byron Long, Kandee Lopes, Devlin Weed, Tree Sweet, Lasha Lane, Tia Davis, Tony Michaels (I), Anaconda (I) |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Specialty |
The box cover reads, "She big. She black. She gotta ho' lotta back! A story too big for your V.C.R.!" While that might be an apt description of Kandee Lopes in the title role of Bad Mama Jama, she ain't the only big girl in Returns. Each of her interracial co-stars is a whole lotta woman, easily tipping the scale at 250+ pounds. The girls jiggle and giggle. They have folds of flesh that defy the imagination. They could easily throw their tits over their shoulders, but unfortunately, they don't.
The action takes place in a bordello that caters to men who like fat chicks. Kandee takes on two college students, Byron Long and Devlin Weed, in her first scene. This is followed by a pair of couple scenes. Then it's two tons of fun as two girls take on the pesky neighbor who's trying to close the joint down. His opinion that the fat farm is a blight on the neighborhood soon changes after he does a couple of nose-dives into the girls' nether regions. Then Kandee closes with some girl-on-girl action. Pound for pound, this tape delivers.