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Bad Mama Jama And The Fat Ladies Of The Evening

Bad Mama Jama And The Fat Ladies Of The Evening

Released Oct 01st, 1989
Running Time 80
Director Loretta Sterling
Company Video Team
Cast Whitney Valentine, Bad Mama Jama, Cassie Nova, Lotta Love, Layla La Shelle, Ron Jeremy
Critical Rating AA
Genre Specialty



Rating a feature like this one is a tough call. In the eyes of this viewer there is nothing erotic about watching a bunch of skinny guys riding herd in a pasture of angus.

On the other hand, there are viewers who enjoy fat people having sex and those who watch for the fun of it. Though said angus also can't act, Ron Jeremy and Cassie Nova are of normal proportions... and do perform an act of eroticism.  The rest is for show. The highlight might just be watching Whitney Valentine perform two sex acts with a look on her face which seems to say "why did I let them talk me into doing this?" For stores who rent specialty items.

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