Released | Dec 31st, 2000 |
Running Time | 112 |
Director | Roy Karch |
Company | Anna Malle Productions |
Distribution Company | ESP-X |
Cast | John Strong, Envy (I), Vivian Valentine, Kenya, Billy Glide, Byron Long, Chris Cannon, Jamie Gillis, Deja Blew, Anastasia Romanoff, Hank Armstrong, Mickey Ray, Steve Hatcher, Zhana Lee, Kasorn Swan, Anna Malle |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
Delectably hideous Jamie Gillis is in the leadoff, oilin' the gears as a sleazy porno agent workin' himself into a "gotta test the girls" froth. Anastasia Romanoff's thus dispatched at Gillis' crotch-level, much to her dismay.
The next scene, a pretty, foggy gangbang, with d.p. action (four guys, one girl), continues a story that thinly veils what smells more like Malle's personal vendetta against a particular garbage pail who poses as a talent agent as a front for the cajoling of sexual favors from girls seeking work. Here, Malle's the producer on the set, and after a multi-pop conclusion, she intercedes in a fee dispute going down between the starlet and the director. The starlet's agent (Gillis) booked her to do the gangbang for $400, but told her she'd be getting $1,600. Malle vows to cover the cost.
Weird bit follows with Gillis inciting Byron Long to fuck the white girl he's sent to Long's set; something, it's gathered, Long has an objection to. Then Gillis' misinformation m.o. puts Kasorn Swan on Malle's set for what she's expecting to be a straight vaginal; the director wants anal. This sends Malle off on a revenge spree. The upshot? Young women, take care.
While the tape concludes with Malle seeing her brand of justice served, it has to be noted that such is not the case in real life. Interesting exposé take from a female POV on the exploitation of women in the industry makes for a well-intentioned video with a disjointed sexual energy.