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Anal Jeopardy

Anal Jeopardy

Released Jun 30th, 1996
Running Time 83
Director J M
Company Zane Entertainment Group
Cast Mickey (I), Lovette, Rick Masters, Missy (I), Roxanne Hall, Michael J. Cox (2002), Steve Hatcher, Nena Cherry
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



Answer: Right outta the gate, she provides some serious fireworks in this vile little paean to spinchter-stretchin'. Question: What's Missy doing these days?

For the clueless, she's the one who looks like an angel, fucks like a beast, spreads wide for a snarling d.p., takes frosting #1, then sucks off guy #2 as the first stud's spunk is still doin' a slow crawl down her cheek. Oh, yeah. And loves every minute of it.

What follows —Roxanne Hall getting double anal-yzed, Nena Cherry doing her own d.p., and Lovette offering up her voluptuous tanned ass for four woodmen —all have their moments. But Missy's a tough act to follow and it's she who's crowned jeopardy champ.

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