Released | Dec 01st, 1991 |
Running Time | 78 |
Company | Erotic Video Network |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Pro-Am |
Once in a blue moon you find an exceptional looking gal in these amateur forays. Such is the case in Vol. 5 which features just two vignettes - but quality ones. Unfortunately, in the first segment, you also need a hearing ear dog to figure out what's going on, since the music is deafening. Once the cacophony subsides, this tutor-student, older woman, younger man "cram" session has some good visual foreplay. It's clearly the showcase scene in this series of volumes. Whoever the woman is, I'd certainly like to see more of her.
Well, as the saying goes, if wishes were horses, beggars would be jockeys. The same couple (the guy looks like a blond haired Tom Cruise) jockeys up in vignette #2 which looks more like a commercial for Corona beer. Lots of lingerie and a fireplace setting give this couple's reprise a far different look. Best tape in the series by far.