Released | Dec 01st, 1991 |
Company | Erotic Video Network |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Pro-Am |
Vol. 3 begins with a fairly elaborate opening sequence in which a couple driving along Ventura Blvd. looking for something to do. Considering they're on Ventura Blvd. with nothing to do, is not surprising. They wind up having sex in what's supposed to look like an empty warehouse. Promising beginnings, unfortunately, filter into an average sketch. Then Tony Montana takes on the same redhead from Vol. 2, so there's nothing new here. In fact, it could almost be the same scene, and the felony is compounded when the same Loren/Montana coupling from Vol. 2 rears itself once more. The next scene between two girls in a hotel room is shot with some godawful equipment, so there's not much else to say for this one.
So early in the series, and so many of the same people keep showing up. This holds true for the last segment on this tape where the gal from scene #1 does an automobile showroom sex stint with her lover, the guy from the office-orgy segment in Vol. 2. It's all right, but you're not going to run out and buy a car because of it.