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A Woman's Need

A Woman's Need

Released Nov 30th, 1998
Running Time 80
Director Thomas Paine
Company Odyssey Group Video
Cast Alec Metro, Jacklyn Lick, Brandon Irons, Raylene, Natasha (I), Malitia, Mike Long, Tony Tedeschi, Randee Lee
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Feature



A Woman\'s Need has a couple of familiar plot lines, some good acting, some good sex, and might work well in your couples section.


Randee Lee seems to be the title character, though it's never explained exactly what she needs. Randee plays Tony Tedeschi's wife. He's a hit man who cheats on her (first with Jacklyn Lick, then with Malitia), but is extremely possessive of the couple's twin babies. There may be a couple of other plot points we're missing, but only because the dialogue after Randee and Tony's hot mish/doggie scene is inaudible even at top TV volume.

As the plot progresses, Tony kills a Mafia don and has to enter the witness protection program. Randee balks at leaving her friends and hometown, but eventually follows Tony across several state lines. But when she gets evidence of his continued cheating, she decides to divorce him and take up with her boss, whose advances she had previously rejected.

Most of the sex is average and lacking in imagination. For example, in the fourway with Raylene, Alec Metro, Natasha and Brandon Irons, the entire scene consists of the performers pairing off and both couples simultaneously doing doggie, reverse cowgirl and mish banging. Would it be too much to ask for a little variety?

Lee, on the other hand, is a delight to watch. This redhead's steamy sensuality makes even prosaic sex positions worth savoring. And her mish and horsey action in the finale, with Mike Long, show an intensity too many other tapes lack.

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