Released | Dec 01st, 1998 |
Running Time | 73 |
Director | Dow Jones |
Company | Legend Video |
Cast | Allysin Chains, Candy Hill, Chriss Cannon, Cameron Steele, Markacide, Tina Tyler, Michael J. Cox (2002), Alyssa Allure |
Critical Rating | AA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
The filmiest of plots holds Pink together. Taylor St. Claire is a successful erotic novelist married to Kyle Stone. She has sex with the help when she's not on the road pushing her tome. Stone amuses himself with prostitutes. Sprinkled in between their sex scenes are a variety of scenes featuring some pretty conventional sex except for a threeway, and Stone's anal assault on Candy Hill.
This isn't quite the polished feature its creators set out to make. The edits are too rough, the acting too rushed, and the plot too vague. All of that could be overlooked if the sex were hotter. Don't blame the cast. They're capable of more.