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Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction

Released Jun 30th, 2006
Running Time 51
Director Vince Benedetti
Company Gotham Gold
Cast Sir Edward, Slave Julieanna
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Specialty



Sir Edward deftly applies pain and pleasure through various devices to Slave Julieanna. Her ass and back glow crimson beneath Edward's work while she pleads with him to make her cum. He obliges, applying constant clit stimulation with vibrator and dildo while tenderly cradling her head.

Director Vince Benedetti's camera strays occasionally from the action, but is much better in the bonus movie: Raw Deal. There, Master Carter Stevens uses Franchesca and Miss Dee as pawns and partners in light bondage and whipping action.

Retailing: Tough/tender S&M for long-time and new fans.

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