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Hotel De Coshifure 3

Hotel De Coshifure 3

Released Nov 30th, 2005
Running Time 242
Company Tsubaki House
Distribution Company Oriental Dream Pictures
Cast Maiko, Maki, Airi, Others, Rio (I), Asami, Tirhiro
Critical Rating A 1/2
Genre Pro-Am



The girls are cute. That's it. That's really about all this overly long, repetitive, boring Asian offering has going for it. The scenes meld together, with nothing to contrast one performer from the next, one scene from the next, one location from the next. Each one follows this formula: girl talks, girls takes shower, girl unenthusiastically plays with pussy, girl lays there unmoving and whimpering while inept boys climb on top of her. The camera misses a lot of the so-called action due to bad positioning or getting way too close.

There is almost nothing happening here sexually to recommend. The girls seem to have no idea what to do with the mostly limp cocks in their mouths, and they lie there like traumatized rape victims while the guys clamber over their prone bodies. Even for those with a healthy passive Asian fetish, this would be unappealing and tedious material to get through.

Retailing: For your Asian area.

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