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Tokyo Teen Idol 32

Tokyo Teen Idol 32

Released Nov 30th, 2004
Running Time 90
Company Oriental Dream Pictures
Cast Eri Yamaguchi, Others, Minami Krishima
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



Any way you factor it, TTI furthers a worthy cause.


The girls are so physically close in appearance and shape that they could practically be siblings, so in addition to the teen factor and the Asian factor you might as well recommend it on the faux-twin factor. To stretch a point further, we could even say it has the factory factor - because the makers are still shooting in the same tiny rooms, covering the same angles and basically not taking advantage of all the exotic potential in the land of the rising sun.

Still, the overall cuteness of the babes overrides its minor detriments. Prepare your customers for mutual masturbation, toy play and a minor squirt here and there.

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