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Nudes At Eleven, Part II

Nudes At Eleven, Part II

Released May 31st, 1987
Running Time 85
Director Damon Christian
Company AVC
Cast Jon Martin, Siobhan Hunter, Billy Dee
Critical Rating AA
Genre Feature



Nudes At Eleven, Part II should be re-titled "Snooze At Eleven." The concept of a satirical news broadcast (which works well on shows like "Not Necessarily The News") comes across as boring, nonsensical and trite. The anchorpersons (Krista Lane and director Damon Christian) are lifeless, and their attempts at humor fall short.

Older film shots and some newer video takes comprise the feature's sex scenes, and the jumping from video to film to video leaves the action disjointed. But fans of John Holmes will appreciate these clips of a younger stud, and the cigar-chomping pizzagirl/Bill Dee scene draws some laughter. Still, this production is about as exciting as ... well, as a real newscast.

The one-set newsroom is drab, the performances are listless and the overall video quality is fair (maybe this is what CBS will be like when the budget cuts take effect). But the big story . . . Christian has done a lot better. Preempt this feature for something more hard-hitting from him.

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