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Nude Paradise II

Nude Paradise II

Released Oct 31st, 1987
Running Time 120
Director Dale Zunz
Company I.P.I. Video
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



Some girls were born to wear high heels. There's a natural style, grace and sway about the way they walk. And some girls wear high heels like they're walking on cement stilts.

You get the combination of the two during the course of running time of this tape. Oh, as if I forgot to mention, there's an extra bonus to the girl watching fascination of this program. The girls are all naked.

If has been justifiably criticized that the American culture places an overemphasis on chests. Most of the adult videos that come out these days are as guilty of that prejudice as any. So what of the poor fanny man, the guy who watches old Sophia Loren films for a cheap thrill, to see but the contour of a suggested rump straining against the fabric of a calico dress, a rump begging for release and yearning to be free?

Well, you'll get all the backside you'll ever be able to comprehend in this tape, pal-o. Dale Zunz, that mischievous, former man of the cloth takes us on another camera tour of a body beautiful contest where the girls are friskier than the ones in Frisco. They post, they prance, they play bend over Beethoven, all with the visual emphasis placed on the hindquarters.

But is it humanly possible to O.D. on fanny? You bet your bottom dollar.

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