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Captain Bob's Pussy Patrol

Captain Bob's Pussy Patrol

Released Dec 01st, 1993
Running Time 112
Company First Commercial Productions
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Pro-Am



Captain Bob, The Sinbad of the Smut Seas who makes gals sin bad(ly), finds himself landlocked in a limo cruising the wilds of California with his sidekick "Kitten" (Natasia). During their asphalt voyage, they pick-up gals and couples and do "it" in the limo and back at their room.

This ambitious video goes a bit overboard trying to give a polished and creatively edited professional look that features amateurs. Fortunately, the captain weathers the rough seas and hot sex manages to spout numerous male eruptions. Natasia is as nasty as always and makes great sexual bait to entice folks to frolic. Heavy oral, some anal, girl/girl, and the usual stuff prevail. Some is good; some is just OK. But hey, it is almost 2 full hours. Other notable performers include Josalynn and Travis Taylor, Miss M., and Danny DeMeato.

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