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VB Amateur Vol. 055 & 050

VB Amateur Vol. 055 & 050

Released Jun 30th, 1991
Running Time 60 (each)
Company VB Video
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Pro-Am



In this tape's first segment, J.A.P. Meets Paco, a slut with an Ophra-type figure calls for stud services. Ten seconds later he arrives. I thought he must be Speedy Gonzales, but not, it's Paco, and I suspected he was the same Paco listed in several fetish tapes. Sure enough, it didn't take long for our boy to start right in on her feet. His endurance and versatility was soon evident. Four piggies at one, both big toes together, the mandatory instep lick, not a inch below the hip left unattended —yeah he was a foot-sucking master. There's plenty of hot action enhanced by lots of suggestive talk in both English and Spanish. I'd tell you more about the second segment, Three is Company, but the big ugly blonde who takes on two guys scared me so much my analist says I'm traumatized big time, and it may take years of intensive therapy (at $75 per hour) to help me overcome this regretful incident.

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