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Inter City 11.25 Brollopsnatten

Inter City 11.25 Brollopsnatten

Released Mar 01st, 1993
Running Time 80
Company Rumpus Video
Cast Nils-Erik Johansson, Minnie Champ, Tom Kristensson
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Gonzo



These two volumes represent the ti ue Swedish erotica, which apparently draws heavily from its American namesake. Each tape contains three segments that rely on a slow build-up before the deed is commenced. A lot of the action is recycled to pad out the length, and both star a statuesque blonde who resembles none other than our own Swedish Erotica ice queen, Seka.

It's impossible to know the kind of standards they have in Sweden, but here these vids rate mediocre. In one segment Minnie is a slutty passenger in a private train car who masturbates openly in front of her elderly travelling companion. His response is to quietly pick his nose. This may be art to Ingmar Bergman, but in the States we generally frown upon such behavior. Minnie makes out better as as a newlywed on her honeymoon, proving to be a bit more adept than her hubby expected. Another sequence revolves around the nurse in garters/patient in traction/ viewer in stitches routine. Was that Don Fernando? Nah. Maybe he has family in the Netherlands. Worth stocking in stores with vast inventories; customers looking for something different can rent these Swedish meatballs at their own risk.

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