Released | Jun 30th, 1991 |
Running Time | 82 |
Director | Giovanni (I) |
Company | Odyssey Group Video |
Cast | Valhalla, Marc Wallice, Sean Michaels, Alexis Gold, Toni Alessendrina, Kitten Natividad, Flame, James Lewis |
Critical Rating | AA 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
Outdoor restaurant. Seafood salad. beverly Hills wives. Cheating husbands. Videotapes. revenge. Oh my, I'm turning into Joe Piscopo. But seeing as I'm in the mood for impersonations, I will impersonate a magic marker, underline the highlights and allow you to draw your own conclusions.
Kitten Natividad has an anal scene with Sasha Gabor. I will let the thought of that roll in your mouths like the savor of a rich cabernet sauvignon.
Sean Michaels has an interesting sex scene with Flame, the pert little redhead. It's fascinating to watch because of the remarkable contrasts in their respective skin. It's kind of like being eye witness to an overripe banana invading a peach cobbler.
Toni Alessendrina as one of the wives. At least that's one of the spellings given for her name. She's a performer I certainly wouldn't mind watching again —in another video where she isn't portrayed as an over-the-hill frump out for revenge sex.
The orgy at the conclusion of the tape. Somebody needs to go to orgy school.
But this tape does appeal to a specialty market —and there are plenty of consumers out there who want to see sex with people over 40. For that, it's worth stocking.