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Mermaid of Discovery

Mermaid of Discovery

Released Jan 31st, 1994
Running Time 60
Director Perry Tong
Company Bennett Video Group
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



Working with essentially the same cast that appears in Mermaid's Passion, this feature trails the descendants of Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella. Working upon the legend that columbus supposedly slipped the old Pinta into Isabella's Santa Maria, the script diddles with the "it's déjà vu all over again" concept suggesting that if it happened once in the past, it will happen twice in the future.

The shapely and appealing Belinda Espinoza takes her turn in the lead role, playing Isabella's heir, and she gets to romance Fabio-guy Philip Lord, who happens to be a descendant of the explorer. Aside from the story angle, many of the visuals here fairly much ape the style and flow of the scenes in Mermaid Of Discovery with some wholesale lifting of footage. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

In the main, a refreshingly different touch given to the alternative adult genre, forgiving, of course, some of the repetition from "Discovery".

Also in the cast: Ingrid Russell and Lisa Butaud.

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