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Emerald Jewel of the Night

Emerald Jewel of the Night

Released Jul 01st, 1996
Running Time 72
Director Morty Valentino
Company Filmco
Cast RayVeness, Jessie Lang, Red Boan, Teresa Gunn, Tommy Gunn, Candy Apples, Kyle Phillips
Critical Rating A 1/2
Genre Feature



The Gunns pack some low-caliber action while a crusty-faced dude drills a babe with enough hair ink to supply a school of octopi. Two leatherettes labe lamely before laying it on the line for some long-haired lazyboys. Even Rayvenss, who evokes the sweet scent of Southern sassafras, cannot save this soul-less entry. Stock, if you have the urge, with other Rayveness raunch.

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