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CyberSex Kittens

CyberSex Kittens

Released Feb 29th, 1996
Running Time 80
Director Kirk Bowman
Company Romance Home Video
Cast Tony Samuel, Katherine Burns, Mathea Webb, Alex Cohen, Shannyn Smedley, Gloria Lusiak, Hal Wamsley, Debra Ables
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



A couple of svelte-challenged computer nerds develop an attitude adjustment program that turns women into sex-hungry Stepford pleasure-wives, and all hell breaks loose in the San Fernando Valley as a female photographer takes it upon herself to investigate.

Case fairly much closed on what amounts to a friends and relatives shot-on-video production. More than a few dead moments of air time are occupied by a script that's a regular empty barrel of laughs, and the soundbites "sexploitation epic" and "GETTING NAKED" so liberally touted on the boxcover should be wisely considered before fully submitted to. Simply put, file the box of kleenex. You won't be needing it.

Modestly entertaining, there's nothing pertinently wrong with CyberSex Kittens that a quick trip to hot babe central casting couldn't cure.

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