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Hypnotic Hookers 2

Hypnotic Hookers 2

Released Feb 28th, 1997
Running Time 117
Director Cheeks
Company Nitro Productions
Cast Dave Hardman, Spice, Tricia Devereaux, Kyle Stone (straight), Jake Steed, Heather Lee, Lauren Montgomery
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



A slow lead-in quickly becomes quite entertaining as Kyle Stone and Cheeks pick up Tricia Devereaux for a private show that includes a hot money-oriented seduction intermixed between Stone and Devereaux.  Talk about squeezable breasts; Stone, you are one lucky bastard!  Jake Steed does his thing with Heather Lee after she hypnotizes him into acting like a chicken and he pecks at her pussy and plunges in her asshole.  Lauren Montgomery falls under the Dave Hardman spell and indulges in some sloppy and wet oral fun.  Last is Spice, who satiates Scott Styles with her receptive slender form. This video is a real sleeper which will do everything but put the viewer to sleep in a hypnotic trance.  Good stuff!

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