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Max 20

Max 20

Released Aug 31st, 1998
Running Time 104
Director Max "Hardcore" Steiner
Company Filmwest
Distribution Company Legend
Cast Zina, Briggite, Max Hardcore, Kimi Ji
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Gonzo



Fans may overlook this vid\'s most tragic flaw, and the other two scenes here are just about par for the Harcore course.


Charges of technical malfeasance are seldom amongst the slings and arrows hurled at the inimitable Max Steiner, but this time out a post-production blunder semi-scuttles the good ship Hardcore.


The hottest scene to be found on this latest Hardcorian ode to the colons of young girls is brother Max and Kimi Ji’s round of rump-rootering and speculum-planting. Ji absorbs, apparently with real relish, all that Hardcore can throw her way, but alas, the soundtrack for the scene is either lost or otherwise unusable, and in the place of gruntin’ and gaspin’ fuck sounds, we get a somnolent synthesizer score. Too bad.

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