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Beautiful Stranger (VCA)

Beautiful Stranger (VCA)

Released Aug 31st, 2003
Running Time 79
Director Roy Karch
Company VCA Pictures
Cast Dru Berrymore, Kyle Stone (straight), Cheyne Collins, Olivia Saint, Rafe, Dee (I), Chennin Blanc, Steve Hatcher, Ian Daniels, Anna Mills
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Feature



Filler for the video shelf.


A bunch of people getting waylaid on their way to an art auction is the premise of this video. Nobody makes it to the art auction, but that doesn't stop them from all making it with each other. Ending ties it all together in a shaggy-dog story kind of way.

Couples-friendly, with jazz under the sex scenes and nothing more outrageous than anal in a couple of scenes, which are easily excisable for cable play. Players are pros, doing what they do well.

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