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20 Candles

20 Candles

Released Jul 31st, 2002
Running Time 74
Director David Stanley
Company Vivid Entertainment Group
Cast Chennin Blanc, Kira Kener, Heather Lyn, Ian Daniels
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Feature



Couples. Stanley fans.


After some placid scene-setting this vid hits the ground running, literally, with a hand-held gallop through a house to a bedroom where Heather Lyn is on her knees voraciously gobbling Devin Wolf's dick as a loud musical soundtrack echoes the frenzied action. As they celebrate Wolf's birthday with a couple of friends (Clark Irving, Chennin Blanc), he gives Lyn an engagement ring, gets on one knee, and after a moment of contemplation, he says, "Will you marry me... you fuckin' bitch?" She gets huffy at this for some reason and stomps off. A minute later, Wolf's on his knees at Blanc's pussy. Somewhere around the standing doggie Lyn tosses the ring at their feet, which they find as he spoos on her face.

Ten years later, Wolf awakens in a cheesy hotel to the sounds of Ian Daniels and Kira Kener making the beast with two backs in a nearby room and snarls "Happy birthday to me" right after he takes his morning wake-up slug of booze. He goes over to ask them to keep it down, and Kener recognizes him from his rock star days. She's a big fan. That misstatement of his, that botched proposal, started him downhill from rock stardom, he tells her. Well, it's your birthday, Kener says. Make a wish. He blows out the candles, and wakes up next to Lyn, on the morning of his 20th birthday. And he has a chance to make it all right again.

But he doesn't.

A different gaffe pisses Lyn off this time, and in an amusing turnaround it's Lyn who winds up horizontal with Blanc. Back with Kener, still the star-struck groupie, he realizes that Lyn was a bitch, and he's better off without her. And Kener is right here.

Writer-director David Stanley serves up another thought-provoking production, ably assisted by cast and crew alike.

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