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Sea Of Lust

Sea Of Lust

Released Feb 01st, 1990
Running Time 73
Director Billy Dee
Company Fantasy Home Video
Cast Alex Storm, Don Fernando, Chaz Vincent, Steve Vegas, Sean Michael, Susan Vegas, Dizzy Blond, Nikki Knights
Critical Rating A 1/2
Genre Feature



What else but Sea of Lust would be the title of a video which is ANOTHER TV magazine show with the accent on sex and no reference to any body of water? Nikki Knights plays the hostess, Sylvia Lickmyclit. I haven't heard anything that clever since a recipe for chopped onions.

There are segments such as, "What's My Gender?" with Don Fernando and Alex Storm both cross dressing. This was a bad career move for Don who has just shown that he looks better in a dress and wig than some of the ladies in this video. Chaz and Dizzy Blond (Diz is the guy) do their thing which puts Sylvia/Knights to sleep. She wasn't alone. A laugh machine yuks away at the point of a gun, I presume. Nikki, in one scene does get to whack off, but for overall content, a better title would have been Sea of Listless.

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