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100% Amateur 5; Creme de la Face 6; Shane's World 20: Ragin' Rapids

100% Amateur 5; Creme de la Face 6; Shane's World 20: Ragin' Rapids

Released Jun 01st, 2001
Company Odyssey Group Video
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Feature



Volume five of the 100% Amateur series is riddled with quality problems, some of which could be due to the source material. It's sometimes blurry, muddy and saturated. It's also consistently pixelated and noisy. Creme de la Face 6 has a dark, somewhat muddy picture, which could also be due to the fact that this material is a bit older. There is also all over noise, some moire and a couple of instances of edge pixelation. Shane's World Volume 20 is also pixelated of times and sometimes very clear and crisp. The same goes for the colors; at times they are vivid, other times they are dull.

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