Prion fans may be only marginally disappointed - he knows what they want.
Some viewers may crave the particular type that dominates the cast and eagerly reach for it.
LaRue fans will enjoy her latest offering, and cover man Steele will have lovers of the masculine man drooling.
Do not promote this tape as a western. Do push this tape to customers who like tenderfeet.
Fans of Miss Luster will be thoroughly satisfied and new-cummer Stonie will tug at the heart-strings of all the chicken hawks. Stock accordingly.
Recommend to your Hispanic aficionados and those who enjoy real-time love making with a bit of heart.
Buff firemen on the cover mixed with quality should keep this foreign entry moving off your shelves.
Hot House and Scarborough are big names in the industry and provide reliable product. Aim artsy types this way.
Buff firemen on the cover mixed with quality should keep this foreign entry moving off your shelves.
Conservative, gay white professionals abound in the tape, so it is fair to assume that they are the target audience.