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Released Jul 01st, 2005
Running Time 89
Director Peter Z
Company Twinklust.Com
Distribution Company PZP Productions
Cast Sammy Case
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Gay and Bi



Twink shelf. Buy lots and then back away from that shelf to avoid being trampled.


Sammy Case is the Marilyn Monroe of twinkdom. You can with equal bliss watch this wispy blond doing anything or nothing-which is proved by the spellbinding power of 46 stills of him preceding any action in this movie. Here Sammy finally has a decent showcase for his liquid beauty. Not only is he photographed to angelic advantage, but in a silly nude interview he's allowed to expose many facets of his personality, from Lost Lad through Pretentious Pansy to Cheap Little Queen-and they're all adorable. When his face comes alive with a laugh, it's plain old Golden Age movie magic. He hardly needs to do any actual sex to keep you entranced, but when he does at last jack his gigantic-looking joint or pump his pink little butt with a dildo, he does it with no change in his personality whatsoever. He seems as natural and guiltless as a little goat. Much of this indispensable movie consists of videoed photo shoots of Sammy as Tarzan, as a nerd, as a swimmer, but he does two sublime solos, and there's the "uncut" slave-scene with Danny Boy Bigg from Seducing Sammy, "uncut" meaning principally that it includes a ghastly, mood-breaking appearance by big, fat Stepdaddy Bigg, who briefly rims the indifferent little male nymph, an interlude that cannot spoil the delightful daze one has already been thrown into by an hour of simply seeing Sammy. Warning: On future viewings you may become more and more frustrated by the fact that you cannot fast-forward through the prefatory material.

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