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Male Genital Massage

Male Genital Massage

Released Sep 01st, 1993
Running Time 60
Directors Carol Leigh, Joseph Kramer
Company Erospirit
Cast Joseph Kramer, Steve Davis, Matthew Simmons
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Gay and Bi



OK, you're probably not going to learn anything new about jacking-off, but this is one hysterical video to watch with someone you want to rub down. You'll be learning 25 different genital massage strokes through Joseph Kramer's Taoist erotic massage techniques. Kramer is a professorial-looking suited guy who is the founder of the Body Electric School of Massage in Oakland and says he's been working 10 years teaching his technique. It's hard not to laugh as he stands next to a larger-than-life penis and strokes the veins as he calls it a "magic wand" and explains the techniques. (It's scary to think that a guy like him is the shaman of sex!) Anyway, he teaches us how to clench our butt muscles, how to breathe, how to relax. If you do it right, Kramer promises you'll see colors! He claims you'll feel more erotically charged, more alive than ever before. I'm not so sure that's true, but the title alone is making this a fast-selling tape (despite its nondescript cover). No cum shots, but there's a few hard-ons peeking through, and Annie Sprinkle says it revolutionized the way she looks at sex. If this tape can do that to her, imagine what you'll get out of it?

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