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Rear End Window

Rear End Window

Released Jan 01st, 1993
Running Time 76
Director Stephen Lucas
Company VCA
Distribution Company HIS
Cast Tony Belmonte, Michael Klotz, Randy Storm, Christian Banning, Cody James, Steven Michael Chase, Cory Nixon, Devon Michaels
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Gay and Bi



This is the third spin-off of Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window; unfortunately, the other two (Catalina's Undercover and Vivid's  Rear Window) are both better conceived and better executed. Cody James plays a gay man incapacitated by a broken leg who's presented with a pair of binoculars by his best friend (Randy Storm). He spies on his neighbors for a series of poorly edited sex scene that lead nowhere in terms of either plot or characterization. The ending is abrupt and offers no resolution or climax. Nonetheless, the attempt deserves recognition in spite of its insufficient development.

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