Rick's Cabaret New York is always interested in featuring its dancers in different ways—hence this photo gallery, featuring performers sharing their thoughts on “Howard Stern Comes Again,” the new book by the famed radio host. Club spokesman Lonnie Hanover said, “So many of the girls got the book the day it came out and were reading it in the dressing room during their breaks. They love the Howard Stern radio show, and they love the new book."
Proclaimed Rick’s Cabaret girl Athena, “There is so much in the book: lots of humor, lots of surprises, and even some unexpected profound insights. Howard Stern is always making history and this book will also.”
Rick’s Cabaret girl Yasmina agreed. “There is nobody like Howard Stern. The book has a lot about Howard interviewing celebrities, but it is his comments about them that are fascinating. I loved the book.” Added Katrina. “I am buying another copy to give to my dad for Father’s Day.”