Directed by Will Ryder, Bad Babes Inc. follows the travails of Katie Morgan, a stay-at-home mom blindsided by a divorce request from her womanizing husband (Ryan Ryder). But all hell breaks loose when the judge decreed that she would receive her husband's most prized possession: a porn studio. What she does with it leads to a twisting and often hilarious adventure. The 22-person cast features Katie Morgan, Ryan Ryder, Adriana Chechik, Kat Dior, Tiffany Watson, Sunny Lane, Sarah Vandella, Luna Star, Kimberly Chi, Zelda Morrison, Loni Legend, Whitney Wright, Tanner Mayes, Seth Gamble, Chris Strokes, Alec Knight, Moe Johnson, Eric John, Jeremy Steele, Mark Kernes, James Bartholet and Frank Bukkwyd. The two-disc Bad Babes Inc.DVD will be released by Adam & Eve Pictures on Sept. 6.