'Inside the Industry' Goes Live From On the Thirty Wednesday

LOS ANGELES—This Wednesday on “Inside The Industry With James Bartholet,” Grammy winner, actor and author Billy Vera, acclaimed actor Steven Williams, and award-winning actress Bai Ling are scheduled to appear on the show. Additional guests appearing on the broadcast are Alexis Amore, Misty Stone, and Lucky Starr.

The broadcast will be held live at On the Thirty, located at 14622 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, Calif, and will be from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. PST. 

Fans are invited to attend and watch the live broadcast and meet the stars. Host Bartholet will also be taking calls from the audience.

Listen to the episode live on iHeart/Spreaker here and on insidetheindustry.net. The video feed can also be watched on Bartholet’s Facebook page here.

“We’re very excited about how much the broadcasts have been growing over the months and now that we are coming to you live on iHeart Radio, Spreaker, and on our official site, we can have even more people across the country and around the world listen to us live every week. Plus, you can hear previous archived broadcasts on our affiliates around the globe 24/7,” said Bartholet.

Fans can enter to win the weekly contest giveaways that include a signed DVD or an autographed photo of one of the guest stars. Enter by emailing [email protected].

Inside the Industry is also available on Spotify, Apple iTunes, TuneIn, K97FM, PodCaster, Stitcher, Podchaser, Google Podcasts, and Listen Notes.