Dromebox.com Presents ‘So You Wanna Be A Drag Queen?’

LOS ANGELES—The words “drag queen” mean different things to different people, and director Delilah Soup and star Valentine Anger hope to challenge some of those perceptions with their genre changing show So You Wanna Be A Drag Queen?, currently available on Dromebox.com.

“My favorite thing about So You Wanna Be A Drag Queen? is how inclusive it is,” said Delilah Soup. “Valentine will put anyone in drag—women, men, men with beards, anyone. We have the camera on people for over an hour in the makeup chair and they get so relaxed. These really personal conversations happen where people open up about gender and sexuality. The transformations are so funky and out there—it's amazing.”

“My style of drag is a mixed bag,” said Valentine Anger. “I enjoy the traditional female impersonation along with the avant garde Club Kid style of drag. I like to think of myself as a silly, down-to-earth queen.”

Johnny Cubert White, Jordan Kramer, and Nolan Silverstein are just some of the recent guests who lives have been changed significantly as a result of their participation in previous shows.

Full episodes are available on demand at Dromebox.com.

Follow the show on social media @youwannabeadragqueen.