Romi Chase Featured in 'Flaunt' Magazine

LAS VEGAS—Plus size model and content creator Romi Chase is featured in the article "Romi Chase Talks to Us About How to Write the Rules for Success Into Our Own Lives" recently published by Flaunt magazine.

The article discusses how Chase used her rough beginnings as a catalyst for change to make her life better and launch her career. She also shares that instead of manifesting negativity, she recommends having a positive mindset, and notes, "While you cannot necessarily impact everything that’s going on in your life, you can affect how you react to it and how you tackle issues.” 

Read the Romi Chase article in its entirety here.

For more information, check and follow Flaunt magazine on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Keep up with Romi Chase on Twitter @romi_chase, Instagram @romi_chase and Facebook@romichaseworld