Ralph Greco, Jr.’s 'Writing Dirty Words' Now Available

EASTON, Penn.—Author Ralph Greco, Jr. has published the book Writing Dirty Words: The Non-So-Sexy Hustle of Making a Living Writing—and the Occasional Crack of the Whip, available now from Parisian Phoenix Publishing’s new Kink division.

“Imagine it, I just met Ralph, and we're filling our drinks at the soda fountain at my favorite lunch spot, and he's pitching me this book,” said Angel Ackerman, founder and publisher of Parisian Phoenix Publishing. “It's the perfect volume to segue Parisian Phoenix into its own erotic line of books.”

The 152-page soft cover publication offers advice, anecdotes and humor in Greco, Jr.’s attempt to “demystify the work of writing as well as encourage anyone looking to take up a pen and start scribbling something naughty,” the author said. “I also hope non-writers will find my short chapters entertaining.”

The book can be ordered here.