Ralph Greco, Jr. To Pen Erotic Writing Column On Sexpert.com

Sexpert.com, launched in 2013 by renowned "sexpert" Dr. Ava Cadell, brings together sexologists and relationship specialists who hold forth on their sex-positive points of view—and starting this week and posting bi-monthly onward, Sexpert.com will present Ralph Greco, Jr.'s new column, "How to Become a Sex Writer." 

Ralph Greco, Jr. is the editor-in-chief writer of the weekly "The Sex Files" column at shortandsweetnyc.com and shortandsweetla.com, as well as the P.R. liaison for the Erotic Heritage Museum, but this is the first time Mr. Greco is penning a column about the business of writing dirty words. He will offer insights about the current market place for smut scribes, interject anecdotes drawn from what he has personally encountered, offer "nuts and bolts" advice on how to construct stories, blogs, articles, poetry and scripts, and welcome questions and comments.

"The erotic romance genre brings in over a billion dollars annually, and Amazon reports sales of approximately $9.7 million a year in erotic e-books. So, while it may be cliché to say "sex sells," the stats show that authors can make a good income from penning porn," said Domina Doll, Editor of Sexpert.com. "It is our mission to inform, entertain and educate readers via sex education, so Greco's column 'How to Become a Sex Writer' will help those seeking to embark on a new career and learn the art of smut writing."

With the sudden popularity of the cultural phenomena that was the “Fifty Shades of Grey” franchise, and the subsequent films made from the books of the trilogy grossing over $1.32 billion, more writers than ever before are trying their hands at erotica, while many others, who have never written a word of it, want to get in on the game. 

"We are thrilled to have Greco on our team, with his years of experience and practical advice on how to break into this lucrative field," Doll added.

Greco is also the author of collections of short stories, as well as toy reviews, and interviews. He also blogs for adult clients around the world. In his 'mainstream' work, Ralph is a professionally produced playwright, poet, songwriter/performer, article and blog writer, and with fellow author M. Christian, teaches classes at various kink conventions across the country and co-hosts the podcast, Licking Non-Vanilla.