Ralph Greco, Jr.'s Erotic Book 'Denied' Now in Audio Book Version

NEW YORK—Author Ralph Greco, Jr.'s latest erotic short story collection Denied: Stories of Male & Female Sexual Ache published by Wordwooze Publishing a few months ago has now been released as an audiobook version.

Wordwooze Publishing takes the erotic collection from Ralph Greco, Jr. and gives it to the public as "theater of the mind."

Greco, Jr. stated, "Any way that people can find my work, is fine by me. And frankly, I think that erotica works perfectly in the audiobook format. Who doesn’t like to just sit back, close their eyes, and take a little journey with some skilled voice actor whispering sweet nothings?"

To listen to a sample of Denied: Stories of Male & Female Sexual Ache, go here.

To purchase the audible version of the book, visit audible.com.