Elaina St. James Posts Viral Reel on Instagram

CHICAGO—Elaina St. James recently visited the Makris Gialos Beach in Kefalonia, Greece, in a hot pink bikini and posted an Instagram reel of the sights to the tune of more than 2.8 million views.
“I have gotten many DMs, requests and comments from residents of the island suggesting that I visit their other amazing beaches, as well as people that vacation there, to help boost their tourism!” stated St. James.
Set to the Black Eyed Peas’ "Just Can't Get Enough," St. James poses makeup-free, hair pulled back and relaxed.
“I’d never even heard of this island before,” St. James said. "but boy, was it a revelation! It's easily one of my favorite places on Earth."

View St. James’ Instagram reel via her @elainastjamesxo page.