Dick-Able Pens Blog on Ethical Nature of Streaming on ePlay

SAN DIEGOePlay.com has selected Dick-Able to pen a second guest blog, this time highlighting his experience with streaming ethics on ePlay. 

Dick-Able is an ePlay Community Streamer with Cerebral Palsy. He prides himself on being very professional on camera and believes there are three attributes each fan should receive when they enter his live streams: respect, discretion and confidentially.

Said Dick-Able, "I use discretion during my live streams in regards to sharing personal information. I am selective about what information I disclose to viewers and my fans. I don’t disclose my location or personal information such as relationship status or details about my sex life. But, at the same time, the person people see on camera is exactly who I am.”  

Added Heather K., ePlay director of marketing, “It’s been wonderful having ePlay creator Dick-Able along with several other ePlay Community members publish articles on the ePlay Academy Blog. Our focus with these types of articles is to help support and serve the community while sharing topics that resonate with creators within the industry. We encourage all ePlay Creators to reach out to us if they have a topic they are passionate about sharing, we’d love to offer our platform as a place the community can come together and support each other’s positive growth. ”

Follow Dick-Able on ePlay, and follow ePlay on Twitter.