Co-Host Zoe Clark & 3 Other Stars on May 30 Inside the Industry

LOS ANGELES—Adult stars Zoe Clark, Crystal Rush, Ryder Skye and Mallory Maneater will join host James Bartholet this Wednesday, May 30, 7-9 p.m. on the latest edition of Bartholet's Inside the Industry. Zoe Clark will be co-hosting the show with Bartholet.

The program is heard Wednesday nights and rebroadcast daily, on on and Inside the Industry is also available on iTunes and Stitcher.

During the broadcast, the guests will be discussing their careers and exciting new projects, playing fun trivia games with the listening audience, and they will be taking calls live from the listening audience. Fans may call in live at 323-203-0815 during the broadcast, and/or join the conversations in the chat room at the Inside The Industry site, or on the site.

Fans can enter to win the weekly contest giveaways that include DVDs or an autographed 8 x 10 from the lovely ladies by emailing James at [email protected]. This week's contests also include a free promotional product from,, or a free pass for 30 free minutes of viewing on

Inside The Industry is sponsored every week by AEBN, AVN,,, HotMovies,, Dames & Games Van Nuys and Downtown LA, Doc Johnson, and Adam & Eve.

Production companies that would like to send information to be discussed on the air, performers who want to be booked as guests on the program, or companies that wish to advertise on the program, can email the Inside the Industry production office at [email protected].