Candy Glitter Wins iWantClips Valentine's Day Clip Contest

LOS ANGELES—Femdom clip artist Candy Glitter has won the iWantClips Valentine's Day clip contest. 

All iWantClips artists were invited to upload their Valentine’s Day clips using the tag "Valentine 2023" for a chance to win one of six prizes and appear in the site’s dedicated contest section. The clip with the highest number of sales was awarded $1,000. 

Glitter's first-place clip was titled "Buy This If You LOVE Gooning." 

Said Glitter, "I love making gooning clips, so of course I had to create a Valentine’s Day gooner clip! Gooners love edging for me!"

Glitter is known for her fetish and femdom content. Her iWantClips store can be found at

Follow Glitter on Twitter. Get all her links here.