Alison Rey Talks Social Media Marketing on 'Jiggy Jaguar Show'

LOS ANGELES—Alison Rey discusses her career in adult film, both in front and behind the camera, and demonstrates her social media prowess on the KJAG Radio’s "Jiggy Jaguar Show," now viewable online.
Rey explains how her mastery of TikTok helped grow her adult streaming platform, AdultTime’s presence on the short-form video hosting service.

"The Jiggy Jaguar Show" is a midwest radio and livestreaming program that spotlights news and public affairs, entertainment, political talk, comedy, and in-depth interviews with a wide variety of guests.

Commented Rey, "'The Jiggy Jaguar Show' was a fun podcast to be on. Instead of the same 20 questions I always get when I’m interviewed as a porn star, we talked a lot about social media marketing and the challenges sex workers face in the digital age."
Watch Rey’s interview here.

Keep up with Jiggy Jaguar on Twitter @jiggyjaguar, at iHeart Radio, and on

Follow Rey on Twitter @AlisonReyxxx, her new Instagram @areyosunshine, TikTok @alisonunhinged, premium OnlyFans, and her personal website,