AgeChecked Becomes Newest ASACP Corporate Sponsor

LOS ANGELES—ASACP, the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, announces that AgeChecked has become its newest Corporate Sponsor.

ASACP’s sponsors and members are among the industry’s most respected companies and serve as excellent examples of how corporate responsibility, ethical operation and basic proactive measures all help to protect minors and other online viewers from accidental exposure to age-restricted materials.

AgeChecked provides online age verification solutions across a range of sectors that distribute age-restricted goods and services. Its focus in the media sector is on providing seamless and light-touch verifications that do not impede the customer journey.

Said AgeChecked CEO Alastair Graham, “The primary goals of AgeChecked and ASACP are strongly aligned, as both of our organizations work to promote child protection online. ASACP has a fantastic track record of protecting children over the past quarter-century, and so we are happy to support this hard-working group and the vital mission that it undertakes worldwide.”

ASACP executive director Tim Henning added, “AgeChecked is a valued partner in helping to ensure that only actual adults can access age-restricted materials. The necessity of online age verification is on the radar of many website owners and app publishers in the face of evolving legislation—especially those who provide age-restricted content. AgeChecked provides the premier solution to this problem, and we are more than happy to be working with them. Calls for positively verifying the age and identity of all internet users continue to spread across the world, making age verification likely a matter of 'when' not 'if.' This is something that the association supports and keeps a close eye on, and will rely on the guidance of companies such as AgeChecked to help us stay abreast of the newest developments and solutions.”

ASACP’s 25-year-long record of success is made possible by sponsors such as AgeChecked, which underwrite free child protection resources such as market-specific Best Practices and a comprehensive Code of Ethics for businesses, app publishers and all operators of age-restricted websites.

At the pinnacle of ASACP’s significant achievements are its globally recognized RTA (Restricted To Adults) meta labeling system that helps parents prevent children’s access to adult-oriented webpages and mobile apps; and its CP Reporting Tipline, which has earned global accolades for processing more than 1 million user reports; and as with all of ASACP’s services, these tools are provided free of charge.

Concluded Henning, “ASACP is grateful to AgeChecked for its commitment to the association and to the noble task of making a positive difference in child protection. We embrace the company into our family of sponsors and encourage other brands to step up and follow AgeChecked’s lead.”

To learn more about how your company can protect itself by protecting children, email [email protected].

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