Afterglow Offers Free Trial in Response to Censorship Bill

AUSTIN, Texas—Women-led erotica brand afterglow is offering a free 30-day trial membership to to those in danger of a forced state ban on sexual content from the campuses of Louisiana’s public universities.

In response to the newly-filed Senate Bill 131, which specifically censors pornography and sexually explicit content on the computers, phones and tablets of every student, professor and staff member connected to the universities’ Wi-Fi network or internet service, afterglow founder/CEO Lilly Sparks says the company’s trial membership offer is a defiant gesture to government overreach.

“Get your fill on ethical porn while you still can! College students are overwhelmingly adults who work hard for their education. They deserve to take a break. Orgasms are a scientifically proven way to destress, and afterglow’s erotic videos have been known to lead to orgasms. The government shouldn’t be regulating how people want to experience pleasure—it’s a First Amendment right,” Sparks says. “Adults don’t need other adults acting as ‘parents’ to block their access to adult content, especially since that content is perfectly legal.” 

This complimentary 30-day trial offer is available to those 18 & over at Louisiana public universities by using the code PORNEAUX.

To learn more about afterglow, visit or follow the brand on Twitter @xoafterglow and Instagram @xoafterglow.