FSC Health and Safety Manual Available in Zinio, PDF Formats

CANOGA PARK, Calif. -- The Free Speech Coalition has published its first-ever Health and Safety Manual for adult businesss.

Developed by WCO Safety Services, the FSC Health and Safety Manual is an essential resource for small-business owners and also larger companies that want to bring their workplace compliance standards up-to-date.

FSC members are encouraged to contact the association to receive their free copy of the report, which is available in hard copy, as well as .PDF and Zinio versions for online distribution.

A senior health and safety professional, WCO Founder Jeffrey DeSormeau brought his years of expertise in OSHA compliance and workplace safety to the recommended guidelines for adult industry businesses. The manual addresses basic concerns, including handling of equipment and OSHA record-keeping criteria, as well as first-aid procedure and regulations for handling blood-borne pathogens.

An additional benefit offered by WCO Safety Services, to FSC members, includes a free health and safety consultation (valued at $200).

"The main benefits of having WCO Safety Services help your company achieve OSHA compliance is firms get the expertise of a senior health and safety professional who has never received an OSHA citation of any kind and has worked on different health and safety projects relative to the industry," DeSormeau said. "WCO Safety Services can use this experience and knowledge to help your firm achieve OSHA compliance in a quick, efficient and cost-effective manner." 

DeSormeau also addressed the possibility of an OSHA inspection that finds non-compliance issues.

"If they show up and you are found in non-compliance, it depends on how severe the issue is," he said. "If they find non-compliances, they are going to issue citations, but there are various categories of citations. The main categories include Serious, Failure to Abate -- that is, failure to correct a previous citation -- and Willful."

"The worst thing that could happen would depend on how serious the violation they find," DeSormeau added. "I would emphasize that non-compliance can or will easily result in citations. These citations can be up to $10K to $20K per ticket. The best way to protect your company is to have a written health and safety program that demonstrates how your firm achieves compliance with OSHA regulations." 

The FSC Health and Safety Manual explains how various OSHA standards apply to the various industry segments.

"For example, it gives examples of different OSHA standards -- such as Blood Borne Pathogens, Electrical, Ladders -- and then gives examples of different activities that are common on sets, retailers, distributors, etc. that would be regulated, and require protection and compliance under the standard," DeSormeau said.  

The manual also is available to non-members for $25.

For more information about WCO, visit its website.

To receive a copy or inquire about the WCO Safety Services discount offer, e-mail [email protected] or call (818) 348-9373.